September 22, 2009 5

Frances Bakery and Coffee (Little Tokyo)

By in 06: Downtown LA, Favorite Food Entries

Being a lover of Japanese style French patisserie, I never knew about Frances Bakery, even though it’s been around in Little Tokyo for a long time. The exterior is very non-descript and dated looking.


The interior is very hole-in-the-wall as well, despite the attempted rococo molding.


My crappy photo doesn’t do the cake justice: they’re dainty and pretty~ My favorite pastry: Mont Blanc is rather good (especially impressed with the Ladyfinger pastry at the bottom). The cakes are not too sweet. And unlike general American cakes, they taste more light, fine and delicate. I’d love to go back to try everything.

Frances Bakery and Coffee
404 E 2nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

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5 Responses to “Frances Bakery and Coffee (Little Tokyo)”

  1. weezermonkey says:

    I am loving all these downtown posts! So many things I didn’t know about!

  2. tomoko says:

    haha, the interior looks kitchey-cute in the photo though!^v^

  3. SinoSoul says:

    They also make their own chocolate truffles here. At least they did when I did a truffle tasting tour of LA back in ’07. Your pix made the interior look.. 300% better than actual state. Kudos!

  4. RP says:

    Oh our destined birthday cake place when we were in downtown!
    Hey seems like you gals are on a little tokyo/downtown binge lately, maybe give this german sausage place a try?
    I really enjoyed both their food and the interior of this place a lot when I went!

  5. blee says:

    Been going to Frances for years, there used to be a karate dojo next door and we’d get cakes after getting pummeled for 2 hours. I don’t know if the older guy still does most of the baking, but the cakes are probably my favorites out of sentimental reasons. Very tasty stuff.