I heard about this famous soul food place a lot but this is my first visit. Again if weren’t for lunching with the guys it would take me forever to venture into this seemingly heavy high cholestrol place. I’m not sure why the combination of fried chicken and waffle, but I wasn’t in the mood for fried chicken so I got the Natalie’s special: 2 fantastically prepared waffles made with their own mix. The waffles are fresh and light. The big blobs of melting butter were very hard to resist. Sunrise, orange juice + lemonade.
No.13 on the menu Carol C. Special: 1 succulent breast, 1 delicious waffle, is one of the most popular items. A vegetarian collegue got the buckwheat waffle and said it wasn’t as good. Another collegue got the E-Z Ed’s special which came with fried chicken liver. It’s quite delicious but I’m not so sure about eating an enitre plate of it. I felt very full for the rest of the day. Definitely a guilty pleasure meal that’s best not to consume too much!

Oh the homepage has rumba music playing, and one of their branches is a Jazz Lounge? Quite music-oriented for a greasy-food chain. ^^;;
This place is ‘famous’ for being in Pulp Fiction and Swingers…^^;;
haha I think there’s even a movie called “Roscoe’s House of Chicken’ n Waffle” ^^;; Next time I’ll give the fried chicken a try. But then, fried chicken is the type of food that, no matter how GREAT it is I can’t imagine how good they can be because they’re still, just friend chicken.