Dinner with our vegetarian friend at this Japanese organic restaurant recommend by friends. It’s perfect since I’ve had so much fried greasy food lately. I was told that this place cook very light and do not sugar, eggs or animal fat…etc.
Ume Sho Bancha, supposedly good for skin and many other benefits (I only spotted ‘skin’ ^^;;), I thought…a tea with ume sounds yummy right? Too bad I forgot the ‘sho’ part, which is = shoyu/soysauce. It actually taste like miso soup ^^;;; The Veggie mochi with Pumpkin miso soup. $12 Heavy mochi…!
The Salmon Plate is good. The Tofu Chocolate Mousse is delicious!
Simple bowl of veggie noodle for $14. As my friend Roberta said, they taste like what you’d cook when you’re sick. The food taste as simple and blank as the interior. Generally it’s just way overpriced for homemade quality food (‘i can cook this myself’ kept nagging in my mind the whole time ^^:;).

I’ve been here. It’s good though I think it’s run by a cult.
Organic ingredients are expensive to start with so the price is inevitably high…and healthy cooking means bland though. ^^;;
cult? (for real?) ^^:;
This healthy cooking thing is like… ‘reverse’? Back in the days, like my mom grew up poor at the country only eat their own grown food from farm and cook very healthy like this, they’re supposed to be humble ‘poor country folk”s food… ^^:;; Yet now (in LA) it’s like a hip, pricey ‘lifestyle’.
I like those vegetable sides a lot though (i.e. pumpkins, pickles, tofu on my salmon plate). Peggy recommended this place solely for them. The salmon taste like how my mom cook them, tastless and healthy ^^;;
Yeah. I think it’s a Buddhist cult like Sokko Gakkai or something like that. My friend is really into this kind of organic Japanese traditional food, but she won’t go back there because of the cult connection. It is, however, about the most healthy kind of food on the planet. (Unlike those taco trucks.)
@_@ what’s sokko gakkai? How did you friend find out about the cult connection?
Yeah I do remember there were many new agey books at the entrance of the door…
Soka Gakkai = “Create Value Study Association”,
I never heard of it…
Sokko Gakkai is a huge Buddhist revivalist sect based off of Nichiren Buddhism. The main guy (I forget his name) is sort of the equivalent of L. Ron Hubbard (SG goes after celebs in Japan and in the US. Orlando Bloom is a member) and those big Baptist churches in the south. Sokko Gakkai have their own political party in Japan (Komeito) and have universities both here and in Japan. They’re f***ing rich. My friend is Japanese. She figured it out from the new agey pamphlets.
Soka Gakkai is a huge Buddhist revivalist sect based off of Nichiren Buddhism. The main guy (I forget his name) is sort of the equivalent of L. Ron Hubbard (SG goes after celebs in Japan and in the US. Orlando Bloom is a member) and those big Baptist churches in the south. Soka Gakkai have their own political party in Japan (Komeito) and have universities both here and in Japan. They’re f***ing rich. My friend is Japanese. She figured it out from the new agey pamphlets.
wow Ume Sho Bancha is hard-core health food!
I’m surprised you guys have it there…
HAHAHA the place is run by Soka Gakkai? ^0^
I know there’s a lot of Japanese people in
San Diego & LA who belong to it….
can’t fathom how shoyu can be super healthy..haha
Orlando Bloom supposedly belongs to Soka Gakkai.