
1003 003.jpgステーキランチ、1575円。ライス、大根スープ、サラダ付き。

4 thoughts on “スエヒロ@池袋東武

  1. Went to this place for lunch with Inoka before her flight. Too bad it didn’t taste nice, but we didn’t have much time cos she wanted to do last minute shopping. But yeah, she will be back very soon I am sure.

  2. Is スエヒロ a chain? There’s one at little Tokyo, I wonder if it’s the same one? The one at LT has food like curry, cutlet, sushi..etc

  3. Oh you have スエヒロ in LT??? Yeah it is a chain, I don’t really like it though. Last minute shopping in 池袋 because she was staying in a hotel there the night before, but yeah the same old things. ^^;;;

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