neo sitting room (CLOSED)

Carbonara, but with udon instead of spaghetti. Udon a bit overcooked…

1128 005.jpgわらび餅サンデー、650円。抹茶は+200円。鮭ときのこの玄米茶雑炊、950円。

3 thoughts on “neo sitting room (CLOSED)

  1. haaa, my japanese roomate just made that last week. she used the earth jar and cooked it on stove top. but she forgot about it and left it on, when she find out, there were only little bit of soup left!!!

  2. Oh not fish cake, it is salmon and mushroom, sort of soup rice…but you are right the lime is a bit 意味不明…^^;;; It is not that cheap yet it tastes like what anyone can make at home – just dump everything raw into a pot and boil and….done. ^^;;; Tina you are lucky to have a roomate to make it for you~~~ I think cafes are only good if you go with friends and want to hang around in a fashionable place to chit-chat, but not for real nice food since cafe food can be so basic and yet expensive – may as well eat in proper restaurants.

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