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サービスステーキランチ、ご飯とスープついて、2000円。Steak is good.

5 thoughts on “三田屋本店

  1. The place looks so spacious and nice~ and the waitress are in traditional clothes ^^;;; The raw meat looked so ‘pastel’ in color. So do you cook them with sauce?

  2. ヒナゲシさん>

    That girl in picture is playing some string music instrument! So weird cos the place is so empty and the only other two tables are all old ladies….yet that poor girl had to perform to us who were busy eating anyway. ^^;;; The meat has no sauce, just salt and pepper, very good quality beef so very tasty by itself.

  3. Wow it has a stage and all for her to perform. The meat looks good! The pink ones are beef too?

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