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カレーライス、カレーラーメン、餃子。The curry tasted like I can make that at home, but the gyoza was surprisingly good.

9 thoughts on “大沢食堂@本駒込

  1. 私、カレーライス食べたよ。うん、ルーの味でした。(^^;)

  2. Ahahaha, I went with friends. I had the curry rice and shared the gyoza. There is nothing in the curry ma! Just curry sauce and rice, so damn plain. And they only have gyoza as side dish!

    btw, look, my new bag!!!
    One side and
    the other.
    I ordered it from my friend’s shop, here. I chose the cloth, the handle, the shape, and gave basic orders of the design(like which cloth to put where, or a strip in the middle would be nice etc), since I was reading Memoir of geisha when I ordered it so it happened to be very Japanese~~Isn’t it very colourful?? I don’t know how I am going to use it to go to work…haha. But I absolutely love it! ^^;;;; But on second thought, maybe I should have chosen a black handle~~~didn’t know the pink would be so bright pink~~~but black might look too obasan??

  3. やっとシーさんのブログに来れました~。二ヶ国語表記は、いいね。シーさんのバッグ、すご~くすてき。取っ手は、ピンクで正解だと思うな。今度ヒナゲシヒイロさんのお店行くとき、誘って!それから、お鮨は、もともと(江戸時代?)はファーストフードだっんだよ~。

  4. マールさん、いっらっしゃい!

  5. Cute bag!!! Haha yeah very Japanese, I like the muted colors that felt retro~~ I like the first side with the blue ribbon. So you customize your own bag.! No no no, the pink handle is cool, black is too conventional~~

  6. Wow your bags are sooo cute! Definitely the pink handle~~ it’s much better than black! How much is it for a bag?

  7. Joan, it is the same bag, but I chose two different cloths for the two sides. At first my friend suggested to alternate the 3 different cloths(red, purple and blue) in small squares to cover the bag, but I prefer it simpler because it will be my schoolbag too. The handle comes in red, green, black and pink. So pink was the right choice?! Relieved! Just realised that I bought a pair of high-heel shoes quite a while ago and haven’t worn it much, and it is pink! Perfect match(without intending it)! ^^;;

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