13 thoughts on “moomin bakery & cafe (ムーミンベーカリー&カフェ)”
somehow it looks different in pics !! ◎_◎
maybe because there is no sound^o^?
I realized afterwards I didn’t order anything moomin related–darn….should of had at least one of those nyoro bread or something ^_^;
Yeah, it looks so quiet and peaceful in pics, while in fact it was so noisy and tacky…^^;;;
Nothing much is really that moomin-related I think?? Did you go to Paul??
F&J, I went with tomoko! She had that nuts tart. She was in suit and looking sophisticated and all, yet I took her to a game park….^^;;;
Gosh sooooo cute!! I want to go t here Y_Y!! And the food taste good too~~ (usually theme cafe’s food is bad).
Hey you should have take a pix of Tomo (And yourself) so I can see see how you gals look now! ^o^
What is that bag (?) or hat (?) with Moomin-mama on there? Sooooo cute! Indeed, from pic it looks so serene and homely, like a quiet little cafe in Moomin valley~~ XD (photo can be so misleading)
That is the tea pot cover for keeping the tea warm! Oh yeah, should take pics next time! But I bet tomoko wouldn’t let me cos she was not her usual self – wearing suits. It used to be quite quiet on weekdays but now is summer holiday so very very noisy~~~
how come Tomoko is wearing suit? interview?!
yeah I had 2 interviews in one day
and I had 4hrs in between,
so I relaxed at a hot springs
after moomin cafe! (they’re inside
the same theme park)
it was the best time-killing tactic
I ever used….’ー`
oh but even if I wasn’t wearing suit,
I’d be too embarrassed to show my face in
seat’s blog!!!(^^;)
You mean you actually went to the spa…like took off your clothes and soaked in water and put back all the clothes on again to go for the interview?? ^^;;
I won’t put photos with faces up front yo. Maybe obscure links in the comment box.
yeah, I went to LaQua right after!
(haha you thought I was kidding huh
wow awesome idea!! In Tokyo’s summer it’s so hot and humid, that’s totally right thing to do. Bring a traveling pack of makeup with you, so you can do spa in the middle of the day!
yeah I guess a lot of businessmen come to refresh in the middle of the day as well.
I saw many suit clad ojisans among young couples and tourists!
I should do it too when I wanna ditch work hahaha:D
Gosh, my office is so hot today…Sat and Sun there aren’t any central air-conditioning, only one air-con in the room which is not enough….I want to go to the spa now…
somehow it looks different in pics !! ◎_◎
maybe because there is no sound^o^?
I realized afterwards I didn’t order anything moomin related–darn….should of had at least one of those nyoro bread or something ^_^;
Yeah, it looks so quiet and peaceful in pics, while in fact it was so noisy and tacky…^^;;;
Nothing much is really that moomin-related I think?? Did you go to Paul??
F&J, I went with tomoko! She had that nuts tart. She was in suit and looking sophisticated and all, yet I took her to a game park….^^;;;
Gosh sooooo cute!! I want to go t here Y_Y!! And the food taste good too~~ (usually theme cafe’s food is bad).
Hey you should have take a pix of Tomo (And yourself) so I can see see how you gals look now! ^o^
What is that bag (?) or hat (?) with Moomin-mama on there? Sooooo cute! Indeed, from pic it looks so serene and homely, like a quiet little cafe in Moomin valley~~ XD (photo can be so misleading)
That is the tea pot cover for keeping the tea warm! Oh yeah, should take pics next time! But I bet tomoko wouldn’t let me cos she was not her usual self – wearing suits. It used to be quite quiet on weekdays but now is summer holiday so very very noisy~~~
how come Tomoko is wearing suit? interview?!
yeah I had 2 interviews in one day
and I had 4hrs in between,
so I relaxed at a hot springs
after moomin cafe! (they’re inside
the same theme park)
it was the best time-killing tactic
I ever used….’ー`
oh but even if I wasn’t wearing suit,
I’d be too embarrassed to show my face in
seat’s blog!!!(^^;)
You mean you actually went to the spa…like took off your clothes and soaked in water and put back all the clothes on again to go for the interview?? ^^;;
I won’t put photos with faces up front yo. Maybe obscure links in the comment box.
yeah, I went to LaQua right after!
(haha you thought I was kidding huh
wow awesome idea!! In Tokyo’s summer it’s so hot and humid, that’s totally right thing to do. Bring a traveling pack of makeup with you, so you can do spa in the middle of the day!
yeah I guess a lot of businessmen come to refresh in the middle of the day as well.
I saw many suit clad ojisans among young couples and tourists!
I should do it too when I wanna ditch work hahaha:D
Gosh, my office is so hot today…Sat and Sun there aren’t any central air-conditioning, only one air-con in the room which is not enough….I want to go to the spa now…
no AC!?! >_