Tarte Orelia(Caramel and nut). Gateaux Fromage. Ecole Criollo
5 thoughts on “Ecole Criollo (エコール・クリオロ)”
SEE~? That’s how mont blanc should look like (color and texture wise), that fake bad one I had was just way off. All look very good, though I don’t like apple in dessert (but that ones is most fancy looking haha).
Yeah I am not a big fan of apple dessert too. But yeah, got hooked by the good look. Turned out to be really nice!
Usually when I see the 4th one I wouldn’t get it because it seems normal. ^^;;; but it’s very good right? see I would have miss it due to my bias.
Haha~~~also you immediately think the plain-looking cheese cake won’t look good in pictures so for the sake of your blog, better get a fancy looking one….sadness of a blogger. ^^;;;
so true so true haha~~
Also when trying a new place, you’d want to go all out for the most expensive course (=more blog worthy), so dangerous XD
SEE~? That’s how mont blanc should look like (color and texture wise), that fake bad one I had was just way off. All look very good, though I don’t like apple in dessert (but that ones is most fancy looking haha).
Yeah I am not a big fan of apple dessert too. But yeah, got hooked by the good look. Turned out to be really nice!
Usually when I see the 4th one I wouldn’t get it because it seems normal. ^^;;; but it’s very good right? see I would have miss it due to my bias.
Haha~~~also you immediately think the plain-looking cheese cake won’t look good in pictures so for the sake of your blog, better get a fancy looking one….sadness of a blogger. ^^;;;
so true so true haha~~
Also when trying a new place, you’d want to go all out for the most expensive course (=more blog worthy), so dangerous XD