みそつけめん+炙りチャーシュー、900円。 I waited, outside this ramen place, alone, in the freezing cold for 40 minutes!! There were only about 8 or 9 people outside and I thought it should probably take 15 minutes, and also I am not familiar with this area and only know this ramen place. Turned out to be a long wait….the noodles and the grilled pork were very very good, but then I was so cold and tired and hungry…^^;;;
whaaaa… is this a famous place you speically go to? 40 mins wait for ramen is rather radical…^^:;;;;; Do you pour the soup in yourself? How’s that different from already poured in?
Oh of course I went there for other purposes and just dropped by for the ramen. You dip the noodles into the soup to eat, a bit like cold soba/udon which you dip into soya sauce? The soup for “tsuke-men” is thicker and saltier and not for drinking. I actually prefer tsuke-men, cos you can adjust how much soup you dip, unlike normal ramen, in which case if the soup is too salty, the noodles are already in it and there is nothing you can do – I think I would like ramen 10 times more if it weren’t so salty all the time.