釜竹 (Kamachiku)

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ごま豆腐(美味しい!)。細打ちざるうどん大盛り。Sesame tofu. Handmade udon(thin). Both very good! Though I ordered the “large” portion and it was not the ordinary “large” but “Jumbo Large” so had difficulty finishing it! ^^;;

6 thoughts on “釜竹 (Kamachiku)

  1. 画像見てもやっぱり、大きいですね~!!

  2. 根の津、予約できるのかな?小さい店なので。


  3. Beautiful garden! (love the dark color palette too~) That whole basket of udon is soooo crazy…^^;;; What’s the green thing on top of tofu? (look so good~) Are those dried squid (?) for…? I’d love to lunch like this everyday 😀

  4. The green thing on top of the sesame tofu is wasabi! Next to the plum wine is just spring onion with dried bonito(those fishy flaky thing). Longevity noodle?? 長寿麺??

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