新人参のクリームスープ。Carrot cream soup.
イシモチのポワレ オマール海老風味のクリームソース。赤いフルーツのスープに浮かべたフレッシュチーズのクレームダンジュ。
Filet d’ Ishimochi poele sauce creme de homard(copied from the menu, err, something like: pan-fried fish with prawn cream sauce). Creme d’anjou accompagnee de soupe aux fruits roges(fruit soup and fresh cheese cream something…^^;;). Lunch set is 1500yen, dessert is plus 500yen. I like the service here, very efficient in attending to your needs – water, extra portion of bread etc, but at the same time not bothering you while you eat at peace. The restaurant is inside the huge Ueno station compound and the station was so crowded and busy on a weekend afternoon. I went early so I got a seat immediately, but the queue started forming outside the closed door while I ate, and by the time I finished, the queue was unbelievably long with dozens of people. I mean this is not a ramen shop where people eat quickly, but each table probably stays for more than an hour….I wonder how long those people in the queue would have to wait. But even in such a busy time and I was alone, the atmosphere inside the restaurant was relaxed.
Brasserie L’ecrin
wow such a nice train station restaurant… with queue!!! The food is not your usual j-western food. When I was in NY I just want to get out of the filthy and dark subway asap, even though some station are nicer and huge, but the underground shops are noooo way near the quality in Tokyo….no one bothers to develop the underground (so people would willing to take short cut down there if too crowded or hot up there).
Oh this is not subway station building but JR train station building(above ground). Though the subway is developing fast here, like the new shopping place inside omotesando subway station echika.