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鮪・林檎のタルタル仕立て ウズラの卵添え、空豆の冷製スープとともに。 Tuna and apple Tartare, with quail egg and cold horse bean soup.
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築地よりの鮮魚 フレッシュトマトとアサリ、ニースオリーブとハーブのソース。グレープフルーツとヴェルヴェンヌのグラニテ。
Pan-fried fish with fresh tomato, clam, Nice olive and herb sauce. Grapefruit and Verveine granite.
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フランス ヴァンデ産マグレ鴨のロースト、南仏赤ワインとイベリコ豚のチョリソーのソース。春のデザート。
Roasted duck, red wine and Iberico pork chorizo sauce. The dessert is some kind of gratin…ingredient unknown(^^;;) Overall was not bad, characteristically strong herb seasoning, I liked the fish but my friend thought it was a failed attempt of Fish in Acqua Pazza, I thought the duck was a bit hard but my friends said theirs were alright.

3 thoughts on “Olivier(オリヴィエ@学芸大学)

  1. 前菜が美味しそうだわ~

  2. 確かにカラフルだね。

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