Aux Legumes(レストラン オゥ・レギューム)

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アミューズ: トマトとメロンのガスバチョ。
前菜: 鮎のコンフィ。
Tomato and melon soup. Prawn on the stick, duck, tomato and cucumber on the spoon. Appetizer is “ayu”(sweetfish) confit.
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メイン: イベリコ豚のグリエ、野菜とチョリソー。
Iberico pork grill, with vegetables and pork sausages. Cheese platter.
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デザート: フォンダンショコラ タヒチ産バニラのアイス。
Fettuccine with salmon in cream sauce, as a side order to share. Fondant chocolat with vanilla ice-cream(the chocolat is warm, with raspberry sauce inside). Everything tasted great! I realise the more the pictures I have taken on the full course, the fewer the words I can actually write besides the menu…excuse for being lazy? ^^;;
Aux Legumes

5 thoughts on “Aux Legumes(レストラン オゥ・レギューム)

  1. トマトとメロンってどんな感じ?

  2. That (whole) fish is an appertizer? wow~~
    The soup ‘s side is so elaborate. The cheese platter is also part of the course? That’s amazing, each pieces are quite big too. AND a pasta! *O*

  3. So cute that the soup is in a glass! Tomato and melon is definitely interesting combine. Sour and sweet? Cold right?

  4. Joan>
    More like salty-sweet actually, yeah it was cold~

    The appetizer was the whole fish with the bones and the bitter parts too~
    The pasta and the cheese were side orders…the friends I went with had good appetit, hoho.


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