Bistro Juillet (ビストロ・ジュイエー)

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3100円のランチコースにて。渡り蟹のキッシュ。フォワグラのソテー、リゾット添え モリ-ユ茸のソース(+600円)。
Crab quiche – the crab and egg were on a piece of bread instead of the a pie…can it still be called quiche? (^^;;) Foie gras saute, with risotto and Morille mushroom sauce. The foie gras was watery and half-melted inside, probably wasn’t defrosted probably? The sauce was too sweet and too salty, and the risotto was soaked in that sauce…
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060712 027.jpgジャガイモの冷たいスープ。黒豚バラのポートワイン煮、カリッとスパイス焼き。グレープフルーツのハーブゼリーあえ、カシスのソルべ、フロマージュブラン添え。
Cold potato soup, with consomme jelly. Very creamy and very thick, good though. Simmered pork belly in Port wine. Supposed to be crisply grilled with spice, but was neither crispy nor spicy, just very sweet very salty, because the sauce again was too sweet and too salty. Fromage Blanc with Cassis sorbet, grape fruit and herb jelly. Normally I would find it too sour, but after an overdose of the heavy sauces, I found it very refreshing. (^^;;)
Bistro Juillet

9 thoughts on “Bistro Juillet (ビストロ・ジュイエー)

  1. 私、なぜか胃が痛い、、、^^;


  2. え?!!うそ!!!

  3. え~!!シーさんはお腹にきたの?

  4. 胃が痛くなったから、その反動で、、、

  5. so critical…^^;; I didn’t know defrosting unproper can make foie gras like that (like overheated?)

    And this meal…gave you guys stomach?! ^^;;;

  6. Yeah we both ended up having stomach aches…
    I am not sure why the foie gras was like that…just guessing that it had something to do with the defrost process because it was watery inside, it could be because it was frozen for too long or the foie gras was not good quality…

  7. 昨日は胃が痛くて何にも思わなかったけど、

  8. はは~、トロトロとドロドロは大違い、、、

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