マンゴー フローズン マルガリータ。
Finally a proper Mexican dinner! Mango frozen margarita was delicious, a big glass too! We ordered beer and sangria in pitchers and they were HUGE!! The sangria was sweet and strong, very good.
ENSALADA DE LA CASA : 日本では珍しいサボテンのマリネ。トマト、アボガド、チーズ、フライド・ポークスキンと一緒にどうぞ。
PULPO AL AJILLO : チレ・グァヒーヨとガーリックが香ばしいタコのソテー。グリーンピースで彩りました。
Marinated cactus, with tomato, avocado, cheese, fried pork skin. First time eating cactus, tasted pretty normal like bell pepper~
Octopus saute with chilli and garlic. Quite spicy and strong flavour, the octopus was very soft. Love this dish.
CAMARONES AL TEQUILA : 有頭エビにテキーラを効かせたクリームソースをかけました。
TORTILLAS : トルティーヤ。
Prawns with tequila cream sauce. This was everyone’s favourite. Very sweet and creamy, almost like a French dish. The tortillas came with most of the dishes other than those that came with rice, so we ended up with loads of them. We finished them all though cos they were very good with the sauces.
SOPA DE MARISCOS : エビ、イカ、カニなどを贅沢に使った辛めのシーフードスープ。
PUNTAS MEXICANAS : 牛フィレのスライスを野菜とチレで煮込みました。
Seafood soup with prawn, squid and crab. Not as hot as it looked, though rich with spice. Loved it.
Beef fillet simmered with vegetables and chilli. Tasted like a chinese dish!! Not spicy at all. The usual beans on the side were the best I have had so far, in complete paste form and very smooth, a bit salty.
POLLO CON MOLE CIRUELA : 30種類のスパイスとチョコレートを使った『モ-レ』ソースで食べる、グリルドチキン。
Grilled chicken with mole sauce. Finally tried mole sauce!!! :-D!! Supposed to be chocolate and spice? I was expecting some mind-blowing exotic taste but it turned out to be just a very mild and slightly bitter curry…^^;;
The band played around each table(yeah tacky I know but it was fun ^^;;) and you could request songs. All I could think of was “Quizas, Quizas, Quizas”, and they played it, which was very nice. I searched my ipod immediately and requested another song but they didn’t know it. ^^;;
CREPAS CON CAJETA : カヘタ(ミルクベースのキャラメルソース)をかけたクレープ。
LECHE FRITA CON TEQUILA : 揚げたカスタードに炎のついたテキーラをかけて。
Crepe with caramel sauce. The crepe tasted a bit old and hard. Not too sweet so easy to eat though.
Custard in flaming tequila. Nice show. ^^;; The aftermath custard tasted pretty normal. We had coffees also. The one with cinnamon and brown sugar was good but quite sweet. Tequila and coffee was very strong, my friend didn’t put sugar so a bit bitter for me. I had chocolate and coffee…hmm, for some reason it was not hot and just tasted like the instant hot choc you make before you go to bed. ^^;; Anyway, the atmosphere was great, the food was good overall, 5 of us shared and we drank quite a bit and it came up to 5000yen per person – expensive for Mexican perhaps but considering the location it was pretty reasonable.
Fonda de la Madrugada
haha that’s great, the food looks varied and festive. The tequila cream Prawns looked so good. Mole sauce taste drastically different everywhere because it’s based on how you mixed it, of all the times I tried it, most are mixed too light too, some are too sweet, some are even bitter! That poor little custard…the flame seems crazy for it, I’m surprised the whole think didn’t turn black ^^;;
You guys really requested songs! ^^;; When I ate at that Mexican restaurant at the historic touristy area, someone requested ‘Malaguena Salerosa’ (the mexican song in kill Bill, once upon a time in mexico), then another table requested that twice..we heard that song 3 times in a roll. Still a great song I never get tired of though.
Yeah the custard survived the flame. ^^;;; The tequila was very strong though.
Oh now I remember you saying mole sauce tastes completely different at different places…we should go to Mexico and try the real thing one day.
Wait, you never dubbed me ‘Malaguena Salerosa’~
Though I will never be able to remember the title or pronounce it. ^^;;;
btw, this place is actually very big and has nice(though slightly tacky) interior, unfortunately we were sitting in a small room away from the main floor, cozy though. The waitress is Mexican(probably) and very pretty~ ^^;;
yeah let’s go to Oaxaca together someday, where mole was from originally, supposedly the foodie mecha of Mexico famous for their food!!! I don’t mind most tacky Mexican restaurant, the food, the margarita goes well with the costume celebrating vibe ^^;;;
Wow there’s lots of food~~ Nice to see a good big mexican restaurant in Tokyo! I didn’t think it would exist.
Actually I don’t mind it tacky too…perhaps Mexican style is supposed to be like that and the decor and the costume and the performance are the real thing.
“Mole” is pronounced as “mo-lay” right? I kept calling it “mo” sauce. ^^;;