京くずし割烹 山城屋庄藏 (Yamashiroya Shouzou)

丸十(さつま芋)の冷製茶碗蒸し 抹茶あんかけ。
From the 4500yen dinner course.
Cold satsuma potato chawanmushi with matcha ankake(starchy sauce).
Hamo Gunkan-maki, Anago nigiri, wagyu nigiri, fried pumpkin etc.
炙り新さんまの造り 肝醤油仕立て。
新銀杏たっぷりの飛龍頭 松茸と刻み鱧のうすくずあんかけ。
Aburi(seared) sanma.
Ganmodoki with matsutake mushroom and hamo etc.
きずし マスカットの甘酢添え。
Fish and dried squid.
Kizushi – vinegared mackerel.
新米 宮崎産コシヒカリ。玉吸い。水茄子、茗荷の梅肉和え、沢庵と胡麻の和え物、胡瓜の古漬け、ふりかけ。鯛のあら煮。
Hojicha ice is so good! The lime and mango smoothie is nice too. We tried this really yummy sparkling nihonshu(pic here).

The restaurant is on the 2F/3F of a building right next to Shibuya station but the interior is so atmospheric and dark and quiet that you really wake up with a start when you step out of the restaurant into the busy streets. In fact, when we came out, someone covered in blood was being carried into an ambulance….^^;;;

京くずし割烹 山城屋庄藏 (Yamashiroya-Shouzou)
Add: 2-3F Dougenzaka, Shibuya-ku
Tel: 03-5489-0039

3 thoughts on “京くずし割烹 山城屋庄藏 (Yamashiroya Shouzou)

  1. Oh I wish I can color correct these overtly yellow photos to see the true colors of the pretty dishes.

    yikes, is the area sketchy or just an accident outside? ^^;

  2. Yeah I want photoshop~ wink wink~ ^^;;;
    The place is just near Shibuya station. Usually it is not dangerous…only that there is an otaku idols goods shop next door. ^^;;

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