Niku soba, Y880. Other than pork, there are also lots of stuff like half-cooked egg, leek, kikurage mushroom, shiitake mushroom, green veggy inside the spicy dipping soup for the soba. Since it was filled with too much ingredients, I couldn’t really dip the soba into the soup at first. ^^;;;
This small(10 counter seats) soba place is opened by a really good ramen shop Tsujita just across the road. The soba branch is nothing as “gourmet” as the ramen shop though. Big pile of soba dough is squeezed through a machine and drops straight into boiling water. But I still like this place because it is VERY CHEAP and they managed to make a bowl of cheap soba quite tasty. If you order cold soba, you need to choose from 200g, 300g and 400g. It is the same price whichever you choose and I always ask for 300g. For hot soba, maybe because of the fixed size of the bowl, they won’t ask you how many grams you want, but after you finish, you can ask for “kaedama” and they will serve you another portion of soba. There is a pot on the counter for you to add soy-sauce-based soba soup freely. Other FREE goodies on the counter are raw egg, raw quail egg(I always add this! There is a special scissor for cutting open the quail egg), regular tenkasu(crunchy bits of deep-fried flour-dough) and also spicy tenkasu.
Buta(pork) soba, Y800. Very satisfying!
Juuwari soba(soba consists entirely of buckwheat), Y680. Tako-meshi(octopus rice), Y250. Tako-meshi has a nice buttery taste.
Miso-marinated duck, Y400. Heated with a burner before serving. It is a little salty and probably better as a snack for drinking beer.
Seaweed and sesame seed soba, Y780. The soba is not of very high quality so cold soba without soup to cover up is probably a bad choice.
Tendon(tempura on rice) and Juuwari soba set, Y1000. The tempura is fried on order. Not amazing but good for the price. Again Juuwari soba tasted better with soup. Tendon is 400yen if order on its own.
Location is 10 mins walk from Akihabara. It is open on Sat and Sun too.
蕎麦作 つじ田 (Soba Saku Tsujita)
Add: 1-1, Ogawamachi, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Wow! It all looks so good!
never seen a soba soup in that colour, i mean the 肉そば!
it looks a soba version of ramen!
Exactly!! It is like tsukemen(ramen with dipping soup) but instead of noodles you have soba. It is pretty nice too.
Thanks for the bday wish. The niku soba looks amazing~ looks “spicy”. If it’s too much stuffs to dip it how about pour the sauce onto the soba? make more sense to eat it that way.
Hey Joan~
The soba is on a zaru(bamboo draining basket) so you can’t pour the sauce on it~~ ^^;;;;;;
Ahh that’s right ^^;;; It would be kind of rude to ask for a bowl huh..