There are two types of Baumkuchen from Nenrinya – hard type and soft type. The hard type is sugar-glaced and much sweeter but since it’s baked for a longer time, it has a nicer aroma and texture. The soft one is lighter. I bought the fresh type which only last for the day, but there are also more lasting types(i.e. preservatives added).
Chocolate flavour is nice too!
ねんりん家 (Nenrinya)
Tag Archives: baumkuchen
Club Harie (クラブハリエ)
I thought I never tried the famous “baumkuchen” that everyone is so crazy about but I was surprised to find out from my own blog that I actually did try it 3 years ago. ^^;;;;; I wrote that it was very good but a bit too sweet for me. But now after 3 years’ worth of cakes and wagashi, I find it absolutely delicious and not sweet or heavy at all(my sweet tooth must have grown). The texture is soft and smooth, which also make it easier to eat. I usually can’t eat icing but I can totally enjoy this one. The fresh cream is a nice touch too.
This cafe is inside Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi where you can eat the freshly baked ones with tea or coffee for 1050yen. There are two kinds of baumkuchen for take-out : freshly baked ones which you have to consume within the day, or packed and boxed ones which last about a week. I bought the packed one for take-out and I think the freshly one is much much nicer, also less additives!