October 17, 2007 2

Poilane (Paris: St.Germain des Pre)

By in 01: Paris

Besides bistro and restaurants, boulangerie are our must check in Paris. We went to this charming bakery called Poilane in St. Germain in the morning before moving onto another intense day of sight-seeing.
I ate their Tarte aux pommes (middle in the photo), soft and melty~ yum~

Punitions, Poil

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2 Responses to “Poilane (Paris: St.Germain des Pre)”

  1. seat says:

    Bakeries and cake shops with no eat-in space are a huge problem for tourists! Did you eat in the parks?

  2. Freda says:

    YES it’s a big problem~~! ^^;;; Actually this prevent me trying more patisseries. Breads are fine. There’re parks where you can sit down, but by the time we walked there, we finished gulping down the pastries already ^^;; (that’s why the lack of proper photos of the baked goods I devour). But cake…you can’t walk while use a fork to eat a millefuille right? They’re meant for locals to bring home to eat.