Finally went to this French restaurant Cafe Beaujolais at Eagle Rock! Recommended by Vero, we tried to go there 3 times before but either it was closed for re-modeling or no lunch. I love it very much, the place is very cozy and casual (french country-ish), price is fair. All the chefs and waiters are French. They’re very friendly and chatty. Don’t be fool by the photo, soon later this whole place is FULL HOUSE!! We were there early and got the last ‘unreserved’ table. White wine $7.50 a glass.
Escargots de Bourgogne Au Pastis $ 5.95 The Traditional way. Very Yummy! So buttery~~
White Fish with Lobster Sauce $ 14.95 The sauce is very good, taste like Lobster bisque, thick and creamy but too little (sauce nearly all gone when I ate halfway)
Canard Au Miel et Lavande $ 13.95 Duck Breast sauteed with Honey Lavender Sweet and Sour Sauce. This is really really good! The sauce is very tasty but light, not assaulting at all. The meat is soft and juicy.
Mango Moose and Coconut. $5.50 It taste good! A bit too much coconut though.
Raspberry Moose $5.50 The raspberry moose taste very fresh! Don’t like the sponge cake at the bottom though.

Oh exactly the kind of French cafe I love the most! Very homely. Everything looks good, especially the main dishes. The portion is huge too! The lobster sauce seems normal amount but the fish looks massive, plus all that rice below as well, no wonder you ran out of the sauce. The desserts look very home made style – but so American with that two huge lumps of cream on each dish. ^^;;;;; But looks aside, home made cakes appeal to me more – taste is more important. About $30 per person at the end? Quite cheap considering the quality!
Haha yeah I like it a lot too, very homely, unpretentious and LOTS of food~ It did ended up about $40 per person because of the tips ($10), which is pretty much the same price as the “order-only-appertizer” one we went the week earlier but in this I actually get a real meal and full stomach ^^;;; I asked the host (the bald guy, who greet and served us, maybe because we’re obviously new faces. The waiters there seems to know other customers) why they don’t do lunch, he said “we all have other jobs during the day.” eh? ^^;; When it’s full house, the restaurant got so noisy and lots of laughters and chatters, which is great~ Not uptight elegant style that makes you nervous. It’s definitely the kind that I can bring my parents to. Eagle Rock is this little town in the hill (so pretty much middle of nowhere), but it’s surprisingly cultural and cozy and seems like lots of artists/art students resides.
It is one of the very few non-pretentious French place in LA. Seat if you for some reason come back to LA someday…this is the place I will definitely take you to!!! ^O^
Oh my visa to U.S. will be valid for another 9 years so there is chance!
But how cool that the staff have day jobs!! As if running a French restaurant is their hobby!! ^^;;;;;;
Yeah you should bring your parents there! The portion is so big, good for sharing.(The restaurant seems casual enough to let you share?)