Margaux@Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel

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フォアグラ、オレンジと金柑ソース。Seared duck foie gras, orange and kumquat sauce. It is too oily!!
骨髄とビーフステーキ。Bone marrow and cepe crusted fillet of beef in poivrade sauce. I asked for medium but it was overcooked….
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0115 091.jpgマンゴースフレ。Hot mango souffle served with mango ice-cream.
ミルフィユ。Vanilla chiboust cream mille feuille garnished with fresh berries.

3 thoughts on “Margaux@Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel

  1. Oh poor finally back to French but met with disappointment ^^;;; The little orange/kumquat cups on the side are cute! You went there by yourself or…? (1 course, but 2 desserts ^^;;;)

  2. THe last desert, a bunch of little cookies and chocolate!? kinda strange to serve them like that?!

  3. Yeah, went with my mom and sister~~Why, chocolate serve with coffee after dessert is not that wierd I think?

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