洋風居酒屋 花まる亭 Posted on May 18, 05 by seat 若鶏モモ肉のフロマージュ仕立て ケッパー風味、1050円。スープ、サラダ、パン付き。プラス315円でデザートのチーズケーキとコーヒーも付く。Quite good!
This pub actually calls itself “Bistro”, haha. The other stuff on menu are like curry and omelette rice, very casual pub food.
The gratin looks a bit elaborte for pub food (unless it’s a higher brow one ^^;;).
The Gratin looks really yummy ~~~
This pub actually calls itself “Bistro”, haha. The other stuff on menu are like curry and omelette rice, very casual pub food.