フォアグラ テリーヌ。豚ロースト。
The lunch is actually very cheap – 1000yen including the appetizer and the main, but I chose the foie gras as appetizer which is +800yen….bad choice since the slice is way toooooooo thin to worth an extra 800yen. I must learn to stop myself from ordering foie gras everytime it comes up in the menu!!
Chicken liver mousse(very bitter). Roasted duck. Cherry tart. Hmm, rather mediocre.
so nice, the wine cabinet!
Maybe you should create an extra category labeled “foie gras” and look at how many entires there are! That’s the thing, I wish our blogs can do sub-categories, but I found out they only have that in version 3.0, which is not free like this version 2.xx I have (which came with the package when I paid for the server).
Gosh the goie gras cost as much as the whole lunch. I prefer it grilled than serve cold like that.
Yeah, grilled/panfried fresh foie gras is so much nicer…but fresh ones are rare. Terrine ones are very common though.
Rather than sub-category, maybe double category is more handy for me, e.g. 「神楽坂」+「フレンチ」on the same entry. But I am lazy to add the food genre entry by entry~~~~