Vinpicoeur Marunouchi (ヴァンピックル 丸の内)

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7 kinds of mushrooms in marinade. Pork tail pot-au-feu.
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Liver, tongue and heart.
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Foie gras. Roasted bone-in Yoshida pork.
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Charcoal-grilled venison. Yoshida sparerib.
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Pudding and sorbet.
Everything was absolutely fantastic!! Definitely my best.
Vinpicoeur Marunouchi

4 thoughts on “Vinpicoeur Marunouchi (ヴァンピックル 丸の内)

  1. crazy carnivore galore!!! ^^;;;;; Thse juicy foie gras, so tempting!
    Deer meat!!! O,O
    What is the last dessert? ^^;;;

  2. The desserts are olive oil(strange taste!) sorbet and raspberry sorbet, and egg pudding with caramel sauce – very yummy yo.

  3. gosh I’m drooling looking at all these, the foie gras stick….geez! Looks so yummy~~ They are meat specifialist? ^^;; sorta tapas style? Never see Egg pudding that dark before.

  4. They had other stuff too but the people I went were meat-lovers so….^^;;; The egg pudding has caramel sauce on top hence the dark colour!

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