Casa Vinitalia (カーザ・ヴィニタリア)

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5500yen course.
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菜園風 季節野菜のカーザ・ヴィニタリア風スタイル。ソースはヴァーニャカウダとゴルゴンゾーラ2種類。
Bagna Cauda and Gorgonzola sauce.
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Beef and foie gras terrine. Risotto pilaf with three types of crab meat.
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お魚料理: クエ、わかめとこんぶの包み蒸し。
Steamed “Kue” wrapped in wakame and Konbu. Served with seafood sauce.
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Grilled celery(looks like an onion!). Aglio Olio e Peperoncino – can choose from 30g, 60g and 100g. I had 100g!
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イチジクのオーブン焼き。 巨峰とジェラート。
Oven-grilled fig. Kyoho grape and ice-cream.
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051105 058.jpgパンナコッタ。プラリネのセミフレッド 温かいチョコラータソース添え。
Panna Cotta. Praline semifreddo in warm chocolate sauce.

Very good Italian restaurants. Difficult to book.
Casa Vinitalia

14 thoughts on “Casa Vinitalia (カーザ・ヴィニタリア)

  1. こんばんわ。 こちらに行かれたのですね~
    私も先月初めて行ってきました。 メニューほとんど同じみたいでした(笑)

  2. こんばんは。

  3. wow the salad looks so pretty. What are those pink slices? Despite the more luxury foie gras terrain and seafood, I find the crab risotto most tempting! 😀 What is the mochi looking thing?
    So there’re 5 desserts for one course!!? *_*

    Gahhhh I’ve started my budget eating lifestyle (big burden every month to pay back mortgage from now on), though I rarely ate expensive courses like this anyway. But I’ve decided, I can only afford to eat well once a week…maybe once every two weeks ;__;… So for once I’m glad that LA is so lack of good and affordable fine-dinning ^^;;;;

  4. I have no idea what the pink veggy is called. ^^;;
    The mochi-looking thing is celery! Looks more like a onion to me but it does have a strong smell.
    Oh no we shared the desserts, I wasn’t alone~~. The last one is chocolate and sweets that we ate with coffee AFTER the desserts, hoho.

    But many of your work lunches are not expensive so you can continue that, right? Actually I am broke too – not surprisingly at all considering I have gone a bit crazy lately. Maybe no dinner – dinner is much more expensive – until X’mas.

  5. Celery!!?

    Haha no dinner till x’mas…can you hold that long? Maybe do another big sweep of bread shopping and survive all on that. Indeed dinner is more $$$. When I move out I won’t have mom’s cooking anymore and have to start worrying about dinner too! =,= The work lunches do added up ($8-10 a day)…so I think i’d just pack my own lunch or limit to a under $5/drink soup every day.

  6. Wait till X’mas when you go back to HK and get your parents to treat you big expensive gourmet dinner thre! ^^;;

  7. Oh you gals will probably end up drinking soup every night after you move out! Can’t imagine you gals cooking~~~~!

    Have a moderately nice lunch under $10 and just eat some can soup/fruits for dinner? I am going to do that. 7 days of okay-yummy lunch, or, 6 days of crap-only and 1 fine meal/dinner? I choose the former. ^^;;;

    btw, bread is not cheap at all you know. The mail-order ones I got were like 5000yen per batch including delivery charge! ^^;;

  8. oh the comments I posted from my work mac
    gets all dingbat!! -o-;;
    I look like a spammer how embarrasing
    anyway, in the below comment I was
    asking what 処女牛was…^^;;

  9. Seat I’d choose the former too! ^^;; I’ve been checking out those health/diet magazine to look for their recommended day recipe, most dinner are soooo tiny portion (and no carb!)

    haha virgin cow…I wonder about that too (does it really mean literallly?)

  10. Oh I thought it was you tomoko. ^^;;;
    Virgin cow…I dunno, maybe it just means 仔牛 but female…

  11. Apparently,

  12. wow how fascinating!! -□-;;
    wonder if its true for humans.
    I guess its one advantage we have over
    women married w/child hahahaha (just kidding)

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