DADA CAFE (ダダカフェ)

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060620 095.jpgDADAのしっかりプリン、ごまのブランマンジェ、ライチと木苺のサイダー。
Caramel pudding and sesame seed blanc manger are alright, but lychee and raspberry cider is very good! The jelly on top is lychee and liqueur flavour, so yummy. An old-style Japanese house converted cafe. Can check out the interior here and here. The atmosphere is relaxing, and if you get to sit on the sofa you wouldn’t want to get up for hours, but unfortunately when I went there was some noisy construction work going on right in front of the cafe…well I didn’t have hours anyway. ^^;;

2 thoughts on “DADA CAFE (ダダカフェ)

  1. the fusion of Japanese chic is so beautiful!! Great to be relax in~ The lychee jelly and raspberry cider sounds heavenly!!! *q*!!!

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