楽旬堂 坐唯杏

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Two branches of the same restaurant, right on the opposite sides of the road. The left pic is cold soba and asparagus pork rice bowl. The rice bowl was bland, while the sauce for the soba was too salty, to the point that I had to put the soba on the leftover rice to soak the sauce out of it. But they gave out 200yen discount coupons so I tried the other branch another day and had the Szechuan tan-tan udon on the right pic…the soup was tasteless, but with a discount coupon it was only 600yen(getting stingy nowadays ^^;;).

6 thoughts on “楽旬堂 坐唯杏

  1. 本館はうどん専門、別館はそば専門だよ。

  2. Like starbuck? opened right across each other? ^^;;
    I’ve been craving cheap eat too!

  3. At least they have slightly different menu. ^^;;
    Talking about Starbucks, I just got a cup of coffee from the newly opened Starbucks near my work place and gosh, it tasted so horrible!! Completely diluted and no taste and it costed me 340yen! I shouldn’t have been lazy and made my own coffee…-o-;;;;

  4. They charged that much because they can… arghhh
    They taste not much different (without all that latte, cream, caramel, whatever) from those cheap diluted coffee at fast food chaini.
    Sad thing is, the generation that’s raised on starbucks think that’s coffee, so when they went to other places for coffee (at least another chain, Peet’s Coffee) they thought those are ‘too strong’.

  5. Those caramel cream mocha drinks can be okay(when you crave sweet) if they put enough amount of espresso which are not diluted, but usually it is one shot of skinny espresso and the rest is just milk and syrup and cream…my sister likes those horrible drinks but she confesses she doesn’t like coffee itself. ^^;;

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