俺のハンバーグ山本 (Ore no Hamburg Yamamoto)

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俺のハンバーグ(コーンクリーム入り国産牛煮込みハンバーグ)、1500円。Hamburger with corn cream inside. Saw it on TV and looked good, so went to try. Even on weekday lunchtime there was a queue….I guess a lot of people were like me. ^^;;; Taste-wise….it is a very normal tasting hamburger, the corn cream doesn’t do wonder, but overall it is okay, very mild and healthy-tasting, with lots of vegetables. The tiny potato with fish roe topping is quite good. The juice that comes with the lunch is apple juice, with a bit of goya, spinach and celery juice.

5 thoughts on “俺のハンバーグ山本 (Ore no Hamburg Yamamoto)

  1. That veggie drink is so out of place on your blog, it seems too healthy for you ^^;;; Oh the hamburg steak looks sooo good~~

  2. メディアの力って本当にすごいよね

  3. やっこさん>

    Wei wei, I don’t eat that unhealthy…I do eat my vegetables! ^^;;;

  4. 本当に美味しそうなスコーン!
    見た目も可愛い~ 渋谷のチョイ先だよね?

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