LA TABLE de Joël Robuchon

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A casual dining space of a high-class French restaurant. The cheapest lunch is 2800yen(not including tax and service charge), to include dessert is plus 900yen, which we decided not to.
Pork rillette.
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豚の塩漬け三枚バラ肉 夏野菜と香草のジュレ寄せ。
The bread were not warm, but still quite nice.
Salted belly pork and summer vegetables jelly. Light and cooling. Love the herb taste too.

060810 052.jpgフォアグラのポワレ パルメザンのリゾットと共に。
Pan-fried foie gras with parmesan cheese risotto. Finally some fresh and good quality foie gras~. The risotto was rich, very good too.
As expected the portion was small, and I was not even half full by the end. When I get rich I am coming back to have a full course dinner at the main restaurant, ha!
LA TABLE de Joël Robuchon

4 thoughts on “LA TABLE de Joël Robuchon

  1. フォアグラももちろん美味しいだろうけど、

  2. The cheese risotto was probably meant to fill your stomach if the small foie gras can’t. The dish looks incredible though~ *q* I remember seeing you having a lunch course more or less 3000 yen-ish before…? ^^;; The appertizer looks very good too.

  3. The cheese risotto is really small…no one believes me when I say the portion is small. ^^;;
    Yeah 3000yen for lunch is still acceptable, but the main restaurant on the second floor will be double of that price lor~

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