Tavernetta L’agresto (タベルネッタ アグレスト)

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Peperoncino with fish, aubergine, dried tomato and caper. Very good!! The spaghetti had absorbed the flavours of the ingredients. Nice second floor view of the street too. A satisfying lunch~
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6 thoughts on “Tavernetta L’agresto (タベルネッタ アグレスト)

  1. 可愛いバルコニー!!

  2. 気持ちよい場所だよ~

  3. those tiles on the building exterior is so Japan. That’s a good deal for 1200 yen. You’re in Pasta phase now?

  4. The new area I am exploring has many Italian restaurants, so pasta everyday recently…^^;;

  5. The buildings are not that posh actually…though in Japan it is very hard to tell the inside from the outside. ^^;;

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