
061005 025.jpg061005 026.jpg

061005 019.jpg沖縄そば定食、890円。
Okinawa soba lunch set. The soba is chewy, the soup is light-tasting, and the simmered belly pork is soft. I like the sticky texture of the shima-tofu. Only the brown rice is a bit soggy. There is a bottle of chilli on the table which is soaked in awamori, and I accidentally put too much of it into the noodles…my god it is so HOT!! ^^;; The restaurant is in a department store and seems to be a chain, but it serves lunch until 5pm which is quite handy.

4 thoughts on “島ぬ風

  1. チリソース、沖縄土産でもらったことある!

  2. 確かにちょっとくさかった、、、

  3. Probably…I couldn’t help feeling so stupid burning my own tongue…I don’t take Japanese chilli sauce seriously cos they are never hot…I learnt my lesson!

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