061110 045061110 038

061110 043うにのクリームソーススバゲッティ、1200円。
Spaghetti with sea urchin cream sauce. Just okay, lots of mushrooms and pepper, the uni is a bit bitter, the spaghetti is hard as I like it. Very small local Italian restauarant with only counter seats. I have been here for lunch before but apparently they don’t do lunch anymore. The chef is black, who likes to chit-chat with customers.

2 thoughts on “DESTINY

  1. Ah probably not very good quality uni (thinking the cream will hide it). Wonder where’s the chef from? Does he speaks perfect japanese?

  2. 1200yen is very cheap at dinner time though. Yeah he spoke Japanese. He seemed very curious about me taking photo of the food…probably thought I was strange. But he didn’t ask me anything. ^^;;

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