Cheese puff with prawn and pistachio inside.
Suwai-gani(snow crab) and kanimiso(crab innards) mousse. The yellow part is scallop and saffron mousse. Kanimiso cream is on the side.
Prawn Saute and potato mousse, potato chip mille-feuille – very simple but tasty.
Duck thigh meat in red wine sauce. My friend ordered venison and it tasted much better than mine. Later found out that this restaurant is famous for its vension….damn.
Wagon dessert. Had a piece of everything. The manager highly recommended(in fact he told us that everyone should have it) the gateau chocolat which is absolutely delicious. Love the basic caramel pudding and pear sorbet too. We also had some muscat dessert wine which is sweet and fragrant. Service is attentive and patient. The very knowledgeable and friendly manager is great fun to talk to. Dinner course is 8400yen.
N.B. This restaurant is going to move to Tokyo Midtown by the end of this month and the name will change to cuisine francaise JJ.
Wow the saffron really made the mousse so yellow~ looks so colorful! *_*
Yeah crab alone without the saffron will look a little dull.
Prawn mille-feuille looks pretty I thought.