One of my favourite lunch spot in Jimbocho area! Lunch is 1000yen, including salad, bread, but not coffee. Small dessert is 200yen. Occasionally they serve free wine at lunch.
Spring vegetables ragu spaghetti.
メカジキとカリフラワーのラグー ドライトマトのオリーブオイル スパゲッティー。
Mekajiki(swordfish) and cauliflower ragu, dried tomato, olive oil.
新ゴボウのクリームソース ペンネ バルサミコ風味。
Penne with Gobo(Burdock root) cream sauce and Balsamic vinegar.
インカのめざめとアンチョビのオリーブオイルスパゲッティー パルメザンチーズがけ。
胡桃ペーストのクリームソース ペンネ。
“Awakening of Incas”(Japanese potato) and anchovy, olive oil sauce with Parmesan cheese.
Walnut paste cream sauce penne.
牛スジとレンズ豆の辛いトマトソース煮込み スパゲッティ。 カッサータ。
Beef tendon and lentils, spicy tomato sauce. Cassata.
Pancetta and mushroom, olive oil sauce. Panna Cotta.
Crab and fresh tomato, olive oil sauce. Fondant chocolat.
豚の柔らか煮と玉葱・松の実のオリーヴオイル スパゲッティー。ティラミス。
Stewed pork, onion, pine nut, olive oil sauce. Tiramisu.
Small prawn and cabbage, tomato sauce.
Lotus root cream sauce penne.
地鶏ミンチと青唐辛子の香草風味オリーヴオイル。 ポルタゲーゼ(白いプリン)。
Minced chicken and green chilli and herb olive oil sauce. Pudding.
Grilled wakegi(green onion) and beef tendon, tomato sauce.
Sunagimo(chicken gizzard) confit, rocket, olive oil sauce.
Cold cappellini with vegetable and fruit tomato. This one is 1300yen.
White sauce lasagne(Aubergine, minced chicken, porcini and eryngii). This one is always in the lunch menu.
Phew~I’ve been to this place so many times that the staff definitely recognise me. Quality is amazing and the lunch menu changes weekly and always have at least 3 choices available(tomato sauce, olive oil sauce and cream sauce) so you just never get tired. 1000yen lunch is available from Mon to Sat – busy on weekdays but usually pretty empty on Sat. I always sit at the counter but there are tables too. The portion isn’t so big but it always tastes so good that it is satisfying enough for me. +300yen for large portion.
Menu: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Bentornato! Maggio
Add: 3-24-17 Ogawamachi, Kanda
Tel: 03-3518-0357
Epic post! Cassata looks like nougat (?), but i assume it’s white sponge cake-ish texture instead of firm and chewy like nougat. I like how they pair those roots with Penne, almost the same shape doesn’t it.
Oh? Not that epic….just accumulated workday lunches. I’ve been going the same place over and over these days….now I have published it, I can move on to new lunch spots!
This cassata is actually ice-cream with nuts and dried fruits; the best amongst all the desserts I tried.
It looks like you almost tried their entire menu!
oops, the above is me…
If there’s a good Japanese pasta place near my work I would go almost everyday too 🙁
Well the lunch menu changes every week so I never have to order the same thing. You can really tell that the chef is sincere in making a 1000yen pasta lunch as good as possible.
i can tell it’s your “canteen”!
Haha, the white plastic tray does remind you of school cafeteria~~