There are two types of Baumkuchen from Nenrinya – hard type and soft type. The hard type is sugar-glaced and much sweeter but since it’s baked for a longer time, it has a nicer aroma and texture. The soft one is lighter. I bought the fresh type which only last for the day, but there are also more lasting types(i.e. preservatives added).
Chocolate flavour is nice too!
ねんりん家 (Nenrinya)
Did you have to wait? Was it worth waiting for? EVERY time I see the shop (usually the Yaesu Daimaru one) there are 20-30 people waiting. I tried to go last weekend at 9:30, before they opened, and there was already a long line! I’m starting to think it must be really good.
There were about 3-4 people lining up and I think I waited for only about 5 mins….I like Club Harie’s baumkuchen just as much and since Club Harie has been around for quite some time, the queue is not long. Maybe you can try that, if you haven’t already? There is a Club Harie cafe inside Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi.
Actually the first time I tried Nenrinya was in its cafe inside Haneda airport and at that time I didn’t like it…..maybe the cafe didn’t serve the fresh type.
A friend of mine just came back from Japan and got me one (which she said is very popular right now), it was packed in a very nice box and I forgot the name. Can’t say I like it much…it taste not that special…^^;;;
Haha~ the brand is very important though. There are lots of places selling baumkuchen because it’s popular(even Starbucks had it…my friend tried it and said it was terrible…) but only a few of them are nice~. Also it’s nice to eat with unsweetened fresh cream.
I was fortunate enough to have my girlfriend buy the “fresh” one for me a couple months ago. I have to say, it’s definitely the best Baumkuchen I’ve ever had, and I’ve had plenty.
Club Harie is very good too. I can’t decide which one is better – Nenrinya or Club Harie, so I think I’ll try a couple more from each brand to compare.