The first few times when I visited this place and tried the meat and fish lunches, I thought they were not bad(though I suspect frozen meat/fish is used), generous in portion and cheap, so I decided to blog about this place, but after half a year of eating lunch there about 2-3 times a month, I have to say I’m really bored of the menu. Lunch soup was minestrone the first time I visited and then it changed to onion gratin soup and for SIX MONTHS, it remained the only lunch soup. There are three pasta options and they change about once a week but the pasta is mediocre in this place and I order the pasta only because I don’t want to order the same meat or fish lunch that I already had before(and I’m lazy to find another place to have lunch). Seriously the last time they changed the meat and fish menu was TWO MONTHS ago. ^^;;
Rome-styled Oven-grilled Chicken thigh, Y1000. Comes with Minestrone and garlic bread.
本日のお魚(スズキ)のグリル 色々野菜のトマトソース、¥1100。
Spaghetti with minced meat and asparagus and corn in tomato cream, Y850.
Grilled today’s fish, vegetables in tomato sauce, Y1100.
オニオングラタンスープ。 鴨のコンフィ 茄子とベーコンとマッシュポテトのオーブン焼き、¥1000。
Onion gratin soup. Duck confit, oven-grilled aubergine, bacon and mashed potato, Y1000.
豚ロースのグリル 茄子とベーコンとマッシュポテトのオーブン焼き、¥1000。
Spaghetti Bianco with squid legs, clams, shirasu, mushroom and ooba, Y850.
Grilled pork loin, oven-grilled aubergine, bacon and mashed potato, Y1000.
Spaghetti spicy Bianco with prawn, clams, anchovy and cabbage, Y850.
Chicken, onion, bacon, white kidney beans, paprika, tomato stew, Y1000.
本日鮮魚のムニエル エビとキノコのクリームソース、¥1100。
鶏もも肉のオーブン焼き 白インゲン豆のトマトソース・茄子&マッシュポテト添え、¥1000。
Today’s fish Meuniere, prawn and mushroom in cream sauce, Y1100.
Oven-grilled chicken thigh, white kidney beans in tomato sauce, aubergine and mashed potato, Y1000.
本日の鮮魚のムニエル ズッキーニ&キノコ&茄子&エビのトマトクリームソース、¥1100。
Today’s fish Meuniere, zucchini, mushroom, aubergine, prawn, in tomato cream sauce, Y1100.
Spaghetti with minced meat, broccoli in tomato sauce, topped with Granata cheese, Y850.
豚ロース肉のグリル 茄子とトマトとキャベツの温野菜添え、¥1000。
Spaghetti with salmon, prawn and spinach in cream sauce, Y850.
Grilled pork loin, with aubergine, tomato and cabbage, Y1000.
本日の鮮魚のムニエル エビとアサリとブロッコリーのトマトクリームソース、¥1100。
Spaghetti with minced meat, onion, aubergine, zucchini, in tomato sauce, topped with Granata cheese, Y850.
Today’s fish Meuniere, prawn and clams and broccoli in tomato cream sauce, Y1100.
Spaghetti Bianco with chicken, mushroom, bamboo shoot, komatsuna, Y850.
Lunch menu(J): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Kitchen Ishigaki
Add: 1-2-3 Kanda Sudacho, Chiyoda-ku
Tel: 03-3252-0117
I really wish you wouldn’t go to places like this without me…I can come up to Awajicho any time now that the weather’s nice!
Hi! I am a long time reader of your blog and have loved your food insights on Tokyo dining. I’ve handed in Tokyo yesterday and was very much looking forward to a meal at Aronia de Takazawa with my husband on the 25th. We just found out that my husband has to go on an emergency trip to China before joining me in Tokyo, so he will be missing the dinner. I still intend to go myself, but was wondering if you or anyone you know Tokyo who may be interested in joining me since reservation is pretty hard to come by. The reservation is at 7pm on the 25th.
Just a little background on me so your friend will not be too scared to dine with me. I am an attorney based in Atlanta, who runs a little food blog If you do know someone interested, please have that person email me at and I’ll send him/her a confirmation this Monday (24th). Thanks!
I’ve been enjoying your blog recently, and I would like to invite you contribute a guest blog post to The Travel Editor’s Blog
We are just getting started with guest blogging, and you are one of the first that we are inviting.
We are looking for 200-500 words on a travel topic of your choice. Your posting will include a short blurb about you as well as a link to your blog.
You may not know about Here’s a bit about us:
* Founded in 2008, we’re one of the fastest growing travel sites in the world – adding more than 300 articles each month.
* We’re all about trusted, independent reviews of the best places to stay, eat and go.
* Our readers are discerning in taste and enjoy travel, culture, food and wine and the outdoors.
* We work with more than 100 professional travel writers who give their personal, unbiased recommendations
* We have a vibrant and active community of over 15k Twitter followers and we have been ranked in the Top 25 of most influential travel sites on Twitter.
Many thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Kevin Evans
My name is Dana Rosenzweig and I’m the managing editor of Travel Onion (, a website which aggregates the best travel-related blogs from around the world. We’ve identified you as one of the best blogs about Tokyo. I’m writing because we hope you might be in touch. We’d love to tell you more about Travel Onion and why we have selected your blog as one of the world’s best travel blogs. Could you please email me at with the best contact info to reach you?
Many thanks,
Great pictures! Looks delicious- especailly the shrimp dishes! Ashley, Travel Onion
When will you update! Really miss reading your reviews!
Missing your posts- will you be blogging again? Thanks!