A small Italian near Jimbocho station. Absolutely love the lunch here. You can choose from two types of pasta and one stewed meat dish served with rice. The menu changes everyweek so I end up coming back here 2-3 times a week just to try everything because they all sound so tempting. The quality here is fantastic – actually I think it’s the best pasta lunch place in the area, but it’s slow because one chef is cooking everything and the restaurant is always packed with OLs and salarymen. Sometimes the wait could be as long as half an hour…and the counter seat around the open kitchen isn’t exactly the most comfortable place to sit for that long especially when you are hungry. Despite of the frustration of waiting, I always come back because the food is just too good. The appetizer and the soup in the picture above come with lunch, and they are always the same – onion and mushroom soup, and sweet potato salad. While they are not bad, I am so so so tired of its taste after being served it so many times – I guess no one goes back to the same lunch spot so many times like I do(^^;;;).
And for those who know about Japanese food critics…I actually saw Kurusu Kei eating there once at lunch time. I searched for his homepage(here) and checked if he has any recommendations for this area, found him blogging about another Italian restaurant near Ogawamachi station. I visited it a few times…and didn’t like the food there(^^;;).
揚げナスとリコッタサラータのスパゲッティ ノルマ風、¥900。
Fried aubergine and Ricotta Salata, Norman style, Y900.
Stewed pork and paprika, served with rice, Y1000.
Pork shoulder loin cooked with sour plum wine and vinegar, Y1000.
Kajiki Maguro(swordfish) and summer aubergine sauce, Y900.
いわしと新玉ねぎ パン粉のスパゲッティ、¥900。
Fresh sea urchin spaghetti, Y900.
Sardine and onion and breadcrumbs, Y900.
Salmon and summer turnip, tomato cream, Y900.
Pork belly and white bean, basil flavour, Y900.
ずわいガニとかにみそ フレッシュトマトのスパゲッティ、¥900。
Zuwai-gani(crab) and crab miso, fresh tomato spaghetti, Y900.
Chicken cooked in red wine, Y1000.
Maguro tail and aubergine Ragu pasta, Y900.
Scallop and asparagus, Aurora sauce, Y900.
Beef stroganoff , Y1000.
Carbonara, Y900.
生ハム 玉ネギ アマレットで煮込んだスパゲッティ アマトリチャーナ、¥900。
Amatriciana – spaghetti cooked with prosciutto, onion, Amaretto.
Pepperonchino with Iwanori seaweed and scallop.
エビと大葉 フレッシュトマトのスパゲッティ、¥900。
Prawn, Ooba(green shiso), fresh tomato.
Salmon, lemon flavoured cream spaghetti.
ツナのプッタネスカ スパゲッティ、¥900。
Tuna Puttanesca.
Beef creamy spaghetti.
ホタテと高原レタス とびっ子をのせたスパゲッティ、¥900。
Spaghetti, highland lettuce, tobiko.
Chopped anago, broccoli, Ragu pasta.
サルシッチャとドライトマト ブロッコリーのスパゲッティ、¥900。
サバと玉ネギ サフラン風味のスパゲッティ、¥900。
Salsiccia, dried tomato, broccoli.
Saba(Mackerel), onion, Saffron flavoured.
Pepperonchino with small prawn and white beans.
Prosciutto and cauliflower, tomato sauce.
Beef Pot-au-feu.
Kajiki Maguro, aubergine, Penne Arrabbiata.
Menu(J): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Roberto (ロベルト)
Tel: 03-3518-0635
Add: 1-32, Jimbocho, Kanda, Chiyoda ku