Maison Kayser (メゾンカイザー)

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スープランチ: サーモン、ほたて、小海老のクリームスープ、パン、サラダとコーヒー付きで、1200円。
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One of my favourite bakeries opening a new cafe branch in Ikebukuro made me so happy for weeks. Their cafe inside Nihonbashi Coredo does very nice lunch(see below). But to my disappointment, Ikebukuro branch only has salad lunch, sandwich lunch and soup lunch in their menu. I picked the soup lunch, which was prawn, scallop and salmon cream soup, with a basket of bread, ratatouille salad and coffee included, 1200yen. The soup was okay, just like those American thick heavy salty type of cream soup, e.g. Chowder’s…but Chowder’s is much cheaper. What really shocked me was the bread…it was a bit soggy!! What happened?! Newly trained staff put too much water in it??? It didn’t taste right either, pain aux noix(walnut bread) is one of my favourites and I have eaten it many times, but this one included in the basket didn’t taste good at all. I also ordered the caramel ice-cream which was 200yen extra – rather watery and thin. Gosh all that costed me 1400yen….(-o-;;;;;;;)
Cafe: 1, 2
Bakery take-out nextdoor: 1
Lunch at Nihonbashi Coredo. Pork cream stew and chocolate tart. Very good!
Maison Kayser

Maison Kayser (メゾンカイザー)

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左から右:☆デニッシュ オ マロン(洋酒の香りのきいたマロン風味のクリームに渋皮付の栗をのせた)☆シャテーヌ(渋皮付きの栗を練りこんだ)☆パン オ シードル(ブルターニュ産のそば粉のパンにシードル{リンゴ酒}とリンゴの果実を練りこんだ)
Danish aux marrons, Chataigne(marron), pain au cidre(apple wine and apple)
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1123 009.jpgキュルキュマ(ウコン)、なつめのパン、いちじくのパン、セーグルカレンズ、パン・ボジョレー(ソーセージ入り)

Maison Kayser