September 15, 2004

Afternoon Tea Baker & Diner

0914 018.jpgPotato soup, Crab croquette and Muscat ice tea

0914 015.jpg0914 002.jpg

0914 007.jpg0914 009_cut.JPG

0914 011.jpg1050円。

[ 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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Oh haha, I think it is a Japanese shop faking to be English....^^;;; Homepage is here

seat | September 16, 2004 05:28 PM

Oh sounds nice~ Are the goods/food really import from UK?

Freda | September 16, 2004 09:19 AM

Afternoon Tea is a English-styled chain tea house that sells all kinds of stuff - household stuff, food etc. Yeah there is a bakery/deli upstairs. The picture just shows the kitchen for the restaurant space I went to at the basement. The shop occupies the whole building!

seat | September 15, 2004 04:12 PM

Look like a market (deli section)?

Freda | September 15, 2004 10:13 AM