September 30, 2004

サロン・ド・テ マキシム・ド・パリ (Maxim's de Paris)

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0929 009.jpg和牛ほほ肉赤ワイン煮込み。雨なので、外で歩きたくなくて、(松屋の中にある)ここに入ったけど、ああ、美味しくない。しかも1260円だと思ってセット頼んだら、1260円は単品、セットは2100円。普段はとても好きなミルフィーユも今日はちょっとだわ。(It is no good, and expensive.)

[ 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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Maxim's de Paris is this really prestigious ridiculously expensive French restaurant and the place I went to is its more casual cafe. I have tried the strawberry millefeuille from its cake shop and it was really really good, but somehow everything tasted bad in the cafe.

seat | October 1, 2004 02:58 AM

Did you do research for this place and still end up disappointing? The beef thing looks good though.

Freda | September 30, 2004 07:43 AM