December 08, 2004


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前菜: 合鴨のテリーヌ フォアグラ入り 昔のスタイル 乾燥イチジクの赤ワイン煮添え。
Terrine of duck and foie gras, with fig in wine sauce, celery and potato mousse, and consomme jelly.
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メイン: 和牛頬肉とプラムの赤ワイン煮。
Beef in plum and red wine stew.
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デザート: モンブラン仕立て スタイル”2004”。抹茶と一緒に食べるのが印象的。メレゲンが苦手だけど、これに乗せたメレゲンはずごく美味しいと思った。
Carrot mouse and potato gratin come with the main. Dessert is Mont Blanc in matcha sauce - really really delicious.

1209 029.jpgハーブティーはミント。ランチコースは2300円。ワインは1200円ぐらい(650円からのグラスワインもある)。かなり満足した。
Mint herb tea

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Oops, that was me. ^^;;; I myself never clicked the "remember my info"....^^;;;

seat | December 10, 2004 01:11 PM

Examples of gibier, and after they are cooked in this restaurant. Wild birds like quail, hare(rabbit), vension(deer)etc are all gibier. But now is the period when the shooting of many more kinds of wild animals is allowed(only in autumn for a month or so) so you can eat more weird stuff. The taste of the wild animals is strong so you need very strong heavy sauce(essence of French food is the sauce). I wonder if HK has it...

| December 10, 2004 01:10 PM

I dunno what gibier is... wow it's $$$$!!! *0*
Think of it next time, "I should just BLEED for the best/most unique/luxurious food just to make my blog even more impressive~" to help your make deicison ^^;;

Freda | December 10, 2004 04:40 AM

is gibier a kind of bird? sounds familier but i can't remember what it is. . . and how do they usually cook it?

tina | December 10, 2004 03:33 AM

Yeah this lunch is cheap and very high standard. But actually I went there to have gibier(you know the wild life animal that you can only eat at this period) but it is an extra 2500yen and I got stingy and just ordered the normal lunch...kinda regret it cos 5000yen for gibier is actually really cheap already~~~~

seat | December 10, 2004 02:17 AM

WOW~~ this looks so amazingly GREAT for its low price~~~ Look at the the cute potato gratin that looks soooo neatly made into a pie. Wow Mont Blanc in green tea sauce~~ I can imagine the combination~ sooo good! The foie gras looks the most delicious out of the entire course. The tea came with sweets too~ restaurants in Japan might not have big portion, but they're so generous with extra goodies and 'thoughtful' in the whole package and presentation.

Freda | December 9, 2004 04:43 AM

Everything looks so delicous! Especially the foie Gras and Mont blanc! 2300 yen is very cheap~~

Joan | December 9, 2004 03:35 AM