January 26, 2005


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0125 001.jpg二人で6000円ぐらい。辛くないのはちょっと物足りないけど、上品な味だった。

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Oh just general korean food. It is not fancy at all, very small and crowded and basic interior. I suppose it is not cheap, but the beef and salad is quite big, and we had some drinks, and the area of the restaurant is a bit upscale so...

seat | January 26, 2005 09:04 PM

The tofu pot looks really yummy! Is it a really fancy place (since the price is....)?

Joan | January 26, 2005 11:09 AM

Is it a Korean tofu house or general korean food? The pancake looks GOOD!

Freda | January 26, 2005 06:25 AM