February 06, 2005


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ティッカ マサラ セット(炭火焼きグルテンティッカ入り)、2150円。これは辛口なのに、全く辛くない。Masala curry with tofu.
きのこカレーセット、2200円。Mushroom curry.
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サイ バジ セット(ほうれん草とレンズ豆のカレー)、2000円。このカレーが一番好きかな。ナンもソフトでとても美味しい。Spinach and beans curry. The curries are too mild for my spice-craving taste-buds.

[ other cuisines | 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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Yeah Indian food, the best is the spinach actually since you don't expect it to be hot anyway so you won't go "ooooooh where is the spice?!!". ^^;;;;

seat | February 7, 2005 11:25 PM

The spinach curry is totally spinach color ^^;;;

Freda | February 7, 2005 02:33 PM

Indian food right? I''m most attract to the spinach and bean curry. Masala is always good though.

Joan | February 7, 2005 12:14 PM