February 07, 2005

アスリ(Slow Dining Asli)

0207 005.jpgピリッと辛い伊達鶏唐揚げ丼、野菜サラダ、野菜のクリームシチュー、鶏だしスープ、豆腐プリン、1260円。野菜のシチューはポテトばっかりだけど、プリンはなめらかで美味しかった。Fried chicken don, veggy cream stew(just potato...), chicken soup and tofu pudding(which is v. gd).

[ 有楽町・丸の内 ]

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haha I just went to eat Korean food (soup noodle) for "cleansing" too. it's so good!

Joan | February 10, 2005 07:24 AM

Yeah ah...ate too much bread for breakfast...my sister went to France and bought a can of foie gras pate and I stole it and brought back to Japan, so I am eating that everyday. ^^;;;;

seat | February 9, 2005 10:00 AM

Healthy day eh? :P

Joan | February 9, 2005 03:36 AM