February 09, 2005


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プーアール茶煮込みの豚角煮丼、800円。絶品!!肉が柔らかくて、煮込みのソースがご飯にたっぷり、うまい~~。300円プラスで杏仁豆腐のマンゴソースとウーロン茶が付く。これはいまいち。Fatty pork in chinese tea stew, very very good!

[ 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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Wahahaha, you are right~~~

seat | February 10, 2005 07:27 PM

"full full"? (Full as in stomach filled)

Joan | February 10, 2005 10:57 AM

Too bad the Almond tofu was no good~~~ The pork rice was more yummy than I expected - actually I was going to a different restaurant and realised that restaurant had moved/shut down! So just walking around that area and found this little bar/cafe.

I have no idea what BUA BUA means...^^;;;;

seat | February 10, 2005 09:22 AM

is BU-A BU-A suppose to mean something in chinese? ^^;;;

Freda | February 10, 2005 04:27 AM

haaa, I was gonna say the "osen" egg looks really good but then find out it's almond tofu ^^;;; it's too early to be at work. . .

tina | February 10, 2005 02:13 AM