March 24, 2005


0324 006.jpg0324 008.jpg

0324 015.jpg炭火職人矢島朝司直伝 燻製桜えびのお花見パスタプレート:桜チップで自家燻製した桜えびと春野菜を使ったぺペロンチーノに、ミモザサラダと季節のフルーツ、1800円。えびの香りがいい。ここで一人ランチするのは私ぐらいだよね。Sakura prawn spaghetti, too much pasta too little sauce so tasted a bit thin, smelt good though.

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Sakura shrimp(桜海老) is a type of shrimp that is very small and can be eaten whole.

seat | March 25, 2005 08:04 PM

Looks more like a classical concert hall than a restaurant ^^;;; Sounds like it should be good, sakura flavor~

Joan | March 25, 2005 05:51 PM

Hey how come suddenly eat at Odaiba so much? is it because you're gonna move soon and you won't go there often? The place looks totally Las Vegas!

Joan | March 25, 2005 10:54 AM