April 13, 2005

ル・クロ・モンマルトル (Le Clos Montmartre)

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仔うさぎとポテトの温サラダ。カスレ(白いんげん豆、豚、鴨、羊、ソーセージの煮込み)。デザートは別注文なのでパス。コーヒーかワインがついて1680円。Hare and potato salad. Beans and meat stew. Hmm food is okay.

[ french food | 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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Love obscure menu....^^;;;; But the normal liver terrine and regular salad in the next table looked good~~~should have chosen common stuff!

seat | April 14, 2005 04:51 PM

hare in salad...sooo...obscure ^^;;;

Freda | April 14, 2005 11:33 AM