May 23, 2005

Toshi Yoroizuka

0523 028.jpg0523 031.jpg

0523 033.jpgクレープの巾着包み、1000円。赤いフルーツのスープとピスタチオのアイス、1000円。美味しいわ~!フルーツのスープの方を食べたけど、甘すぎなく、酸っぱすぎもない。すばらしい。ピスタチオアイスも香ばしくて、美味しい。
toshi yoroizuka

[ cakes and sweets | 渋谷・恵比寿・代官山 ]

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The fruit soup with pistachio ice-cream was mine. Yeah it is the name of the chef, who is in my photo as well as in his own homepage. Actually I realised after looking at his homepage...something is missing in my dessert which should have one more scoop of ice-cream. Well, maybe he had run out....

seat | May 24, 2005 04:54 PM

wow so unique. The other desserts on the website look really good too!

Joan | May 24, 2005 01:36 PM

*__* The Crepe looks sooooo good, tied up in a bun, so pretty~! So is the ice-cream, so elaborate. Is the cake shop's name the name of the chef?

Freda | May 24, 2005 01:23 PM