May 26, 2005

神楽坂 SHUN seasondining

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江戸前すずきの旬野菜あんかけ、1000円。出てきた時、揚げた魚にがっかりしたけど、軽く揚げただけなので、オッケー。ご飯が足りなくて、おかわりを頼んだら、さっきの2倍の量が出てきた、、、残すわけにはいけないので、今日も食べすぎ。 Light fried seabass with veggy starchy sauce. Not bad but got very thirsty afterwards. Ate two bowls of rice and was stuffed.

[ 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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Oh it is not oily - would be oily if it had been chinese's "hin 汁"! ^^;;

seat | May 29, 2005 07:18 PM

thirsty because of MSG? haha~
The sauce oily...O,O;;;; or just illustion..^^;;;

Freda | May 27, 2005 05:34 AM